Northern Squash Club News

Keep up to date with all the latest news and buzz from Northern Squash Club.

Club News

  • Clive Lucas
    Northern Squash Club News November 2011
    Clive Lucas - Tue 15 Nov 2011

    The Club is experiencing major problems with car parking on some Sunday mornings because of the high volume of members using the club for rugby /squash or gym activities. The Executive Committee has decided to impose some parking restrictions...

  • The new leagues are available to view online. You can now view the league tables, final standings and performances for every league since July 2009...

  • Clive Lucas
    Northern Squash Club News October 2011
    Clive Lucas - Sun 02 Oct 2011

    As from the start of the next internal league cycle (17th October onwards) you will be able to enter your scores online using the Wazygoose Squash Site (where you book your courts) ...

  • Clive Lucas
    Northern Squash Club News September 2011
    Clive Lucas - Mon 12 Sep 2011

    The light machine is finally repaired and will come into operation on Monday 12th September. The new rates are as below: -Peak Times: 4 per 40 minute court -Off Peak Times: 3 per 40 minute ...

  • Liam Gutcher
    Pre-Season Stength and Agility Training
    Liam Gutcher - Wed 24 Aug 2011

    I will be running squash specific "Strength and Agility" training every Sunday morning at 11am from the 21st August..

  • Clive Lucas
    Northern Squash Club News - August 2011
    Clive Lucas - Sun 07 Aug 2011

    The work on the squash club is now virtually complete. There are only a few minor cosmetic items that need attention. All of the members that I have spoken to have been been very positive...

  • Clive Lucas
    Northern Squash Club News July 2011
    Clive Lucas - Mon 11 Jul 2011

    The good news is that the squash courts are ready for members to use. The club will re-open on Monday 11th July 2011 at 9am. The male changing rooms are ready for use but the female...

  • Dave North
    Northern Team Squash 2011/12
    Dave North - Mon 04 Jul 2011

    The time has come for the committee to decide how many teams we will enter into the Northumbria leagues next season. This will be discussed at the next committee meeting on 11th July ...

  • Clive Lucas
    Northern Squash Club News June 2011
    Clive Lucas - Fri 10 Jun 2011

    As most of you know the club has been awarded a grant through England Squash and Racketball/Sport England to be matched funded by Northern Football Club. I am pleased to inform ...

  • Clive Lucas
    Members Newsflash
    Clive Lucas - Tue 22 Mar 2011

    Karen Heron who plays for the Ladies 1st Team has entered BRIDAL IDOL on Real Radio and asks for our help to win a wedding at Linden Hall...

Showing 181 to 190 of 197 news articles